Fucktards on The News (Again)


There has been a trend the past few years in the area that I live whereby they have been closing and consolidating some of the local schools.  Hopefully, this is because there are less Fucktards breeding, but that is not the point of this rant.  Some of the closed schools have been changed into other uses.  One of the schools had been changed into a day care center for children.  On the news the other day there was this Fucktard who had an issue with this.  The issue was not with the school being changed into a daycare center, in fact, she was utilizing this.  The issue she had was that, since the school closed, they would no longer turn on the school 15 MPH signs in the morning and afternoon.  The state said that according to the regulations, schools are defined as K-12.  Since this building no longer housed K-12 students, it was not considered a school and they would be in violation of state mandates if they turned on the signs.  Makes sense to me, but then again I am not a Fucktard.

Personally, I couldn’t give a shit less one way or the other if these signs are flashing or not.  However, this Fucktard has an issue with this.  An issue so big that she decided to air it on the news.  In public.  So that everyone could see what a freaking raging imbecile that she is.  Now, this little chickie could not have been more than 22 years old.  Scratch that.  The only thing little about this Fucktard was her IQ.  So here is this mental midget saying that she thinks the lights should be turned on anyway because (and I quote) The kids going to schools are all over five years old and know better than to run out into the street.  These are two and three-year-olds who don’t know better than to not run out in the street.

Now, I am going to assume that Fucktard is not allowing her 2-3-year-old to walk to this daycare on their own (you never know with Fucktards, but I hope she is not).  Would this then not make it YOUR fucking responsibility to make sure that your child does not run out into the street??  Can you let go of the moon pie for 10 seconds to hold your child’s hand and cross the street safely with them?  Most of these former schools have big parking spaces in front of the doors where I see most people dropping their children off so that they are not near the street.  Do you want one of these in front of your house too so that you can grow fatter while not paying any attention to your kids?  If you are dumb enough to let your 2-3 year old (who by your statement you know is likely to run into the street) alone and not pay attention to them, when a car comes up the road, it will not matter if they are doing 15 or 50, when they run in front of it and get hit, they are going to get hurt.  I am sure that you will then try to blame the state for your lack of parental skills.  When did it become the state’s responsibility to make sure you are not so fucking stupid and take care of YOUR kids?  You are the one who spawned.  You are responsible for their safety.  Now, while I am sure that at some point the state WILL be responsible for the well-being and safety of this Fucktard’s kids, but why invite them in beforehand?  I am amazed that I don’t throw more shit at my TV when I see idiots like this on the news.

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