Category Archives: I Hate the Internet

Stupid Reader Email

Sometimes people send us an email. A few in the past have been valid, maybe catching something that just didn’t read well in a post. We have touched up those little errors.

Sometimes really dumb people email us too. We call those people FUCKTARDS and we dedicated this website to them years ago.  We recently got a message! Enjoy the stupidity, misspellings, and lack of cohesive sentences. We think this ninny took the descriptive VERY personally…. we don’t wonder why.

Lesson: If you ever feel compelled to send an email to someone you do not know on the internet in order to judge them, critique their work, or just add your 2 cents….. please try to have some actual sense.  And be brave enough to use your name and real email address. WIMP.

Love from all of us at FucktardRants XOXOXOXOX

Name: Fucktard

Comment: you are a fucktard. Don’t get me wrong but i actually visited your page by mistake while googling and just wanted to say that you seem so shallow, idiotic and a blond teenage girl who likes just to talk about the little details that happen in your life i don’t know you but just wanted to say fuck you and all people like you. fucking fucktard get a life and don’t act so clever. Bitch.(and sorry for my language but well i hate all living creatures like you who thinks they are so intelligent. i bet you think everyone likes you but behind your back your the laugh of the night no one wants to be with you or invite you but you still act like your needed in planet earth.Know what this is such beautiful paragraph i wrote, i’ll copy it and send it to every wannabe clever fella i see, peace asshole.

Time: March 5, 2015 at 12:36 am

IP Address:

Second email sent about 20 min later.

Comment: After a second thought as i go through your rants i believe that, while your so desperate to make your life worth living. I feel pity for the humans the have to deal with your shit on daily basis. Well trust me no one loves you or give a shit about you. You may think your smart, intelligent and so on but as reading on i actually had fun as well enraged by how come such immature person like you works a decent job. Well enjoy your life ranting or hating your own life don’t know but sure your writing was fun. Bitch.

Internet Forums are For Lonely People on Medication

take your meds

Do you get from my title that I hate message boards? Ok good. Do you get from my title that the medications I mean are supposed to cure “the crazies”? OK figured you didn’t fucktard… let me explain.

People who hang out all damn day on the internet posting to message boards and forums tend not to have the following in their life:

A Job
Families that rely on them to provide
Other family members that still want to talk to them

Let me give you my favorite example to back this up. Internet Movie Database is a site I love because I love movies. I am on that site at least once per week or more. Usually, I am looking up a movie or an actor etc and sometimes it’s for stupid reasons such as “I know I recognize that guy” shit. I love that site.

It’s the message boards I hate at Every movie, show, and actor has a bunch of lame dumbasses posting their loser opinions on stuff their either know nothing about (but want you to think they do) or it’s full of trolling drooling bored fucktards. Almost every message board on that site has some dickweed troll posting that something “sucks” just to irritate the fans. Then the fans go off onto why their opinion is so fabulous, which is almost as lame as the troll’s nonsense. Even the so-called fans are negative and feel the urge to explain why. Flame wars go on, posts are deleted, user accounts are banned, and not a damn constructive thing happens. In essence, it is like watching a kindergarten class without a teacher.

I once got into a “debate” at these forums quite a while ago. Sometimes a fucktard can suck you into their stupid world. After one post… I proceeded to look up the profile of the jackass who picked my post apart for literally no reason. I looked at all the different forums they posted to, noted the times of day and the days per week. It was so obvious that they made a whole life out of posting all day long, every day, and picking snitty little arguments with anyone new who posted. In 5 minutes I figured out that this person clearly had nothing better to do.

It’s just not mentally healthy to try and be a part of an anonymous community and spout off how much (or little) you know on a daily basis. It’s not mentally healthy to take a stupid post so personally, or to defend some actor/actress that you don’t know. Frankly – it’s WEIRD. If you disagree…. then brag about it to some of your real time friends… if you got any. They will look ay you the same way I do.

If what I am describing is familiar to you, or worse… describes you, please see your doctor right away to tell him that the meds are not fucking working because you are STILL annoying the rest of humanity.

Twittering Twits, I Hate Twitter


Ok so once it was Myspace, then it was Facebook, and now it’s Twitter as the big hot thing. The one common denominator in all 3 things…. Fucktards. Yes, it is true. I went to the doctor the other day and had to wait on the stupid secretary to take my co-pay and give me a receipt… because she was busy TWITTERING.

Twitter is such a testament to our disastrous fucktard times… “let me tell everyone how important I am and all of the stupid mundane shit I do”. It’s a social network for people who have nothing better to do, and desperately need friends… but can’t socialize in reality. Nobody with any intelligence cares if your weather is nice, or what you cooked for dinner, dummies.

Now you also have celebrities twittering away too. For instance, we have Mr. Twit Popularity Ashton Kutcher and his wife on there daily. I’ve looked, all day long those two sit on their accounts telling the even lamer fans their every move, and how many important people they know. Wonder when they talk to one another?… if at all. And if Oprah’s television show was not self-indulgent enough… we can now read her tweets about dinner dates with other celebs. Wow. Who gives a shit?

Are we really this childish? Do we not know how to communicate our messages to the world in another way? Do people actually care? If so, WHY? Is this the reason we created technology? Do we need this much constant attention?

The only people who use Twitter are either… spammers, narcissists, or boring fucktards. See, some fucktards CAN be entertaining… but in this case, it’s one big yawn.

Asking for Donations on Your Blog or Website


Blogging, podcasting, websites… whatever it is on the net… people are doing and posting shit all about themselves. Now, there are people who post useful and informative, even educational information. We are all or should be, thankful to them. But the thing that has been pissing me off lately are the jack offs asking for DONATIONS on their blog or website.

OK a long time ago “affiliate programs” were invented.  Therefore, when you see that Amazon banner on this site for instance… it means we get a small cut if you buy what we’re promoting. Anyone not know this? Oh… I forgot we have fucktards in the world. Many sites/blogs use an affiliate program in effect to support the costs of having a site. You typically find “google ads” or Amazon for that purpose. But of course ads plastered everywhere is annoying, and asking for flipping donations is kind of desperate. It was YOU who made the choice to get a website… not the world because we were just dying to hear from you.

This site used as an example is a website created for OUR own fun. If other people read it then cool. If not, then we still get to rant and bitch about the stupid assholes in the world sucking up all of our air. This makes us feel better and prevents us from causing the bodily harm to fucktards like we daydream about. Ads aren’t plastered everywhere because the goal isn’t to make shitloads of money.

Over the years I am seeing more “Donation” button/links on websites. Which means some dipshit thinks you are dumb enough to donate money to them to support their need to blog or build a website about themselves. Most often they don’t care if they have nothing to say, or even if they are running some sad business. They feel entitled to ask people to give them money by displaying a donation button or link.

Um isn’t that really called PAN HANDLING? I mean, I sure think it is. The worst is when you see it on a commercial site who already is using affiliates to make money or charging for some service they provide. Yet they want your money desperately enough to also BEG for it too.  See, the word DONATION works in a positive way for The Red Cross, Animal Shelters, Agencies for Children, Cancer Foundations etc. There are real and genuine “CAUSES” there though.  Donation, as defined pretty clearly on Wikipedia means… a gift given, typically to a cause or/and for charitable purposes. A donation may take various forms, including cash, services, new or used goods as i.e. clothing, toys, food, vehicles, emergency or humanitarian aid items, and can also relate to medical care needs as i.e. blood or organs for transplant. Charitable gifts of goods or services are also called gifts in kind.

Your stupid blog or website is not a “cause” and has probably very little “purpose” to the world. The average moron using a blog doesn’t really deserve a donation. If you believe your life mission is to help people and you can find a way to charge them for it then we call the ENTERPRIZE, baby.  But it isn’t a charity…. Though you might be a “charity case”. What I mean is that if you are a business of any sort (not a charity or non-profit agency)  asking for donations then you are pathetic too.

Asking for donations on your website without a genuine “cause” IMO is tacky and classless. If you have a business and your clients want to give you holiday gifts then let them. Let them ask you where to send it or how they can do it. But for Christ’s sake… don’t advertise that you WANT them to do it…..loser. Show some CLASS. Poor and lazy people beg, not people who can earn their own living.

If any morons out there feel that this site has taught them some manners, has made them laugh, or inspired them in some warped way… and you strongly feel the urge to =do something.…. Email us a compliment. Subscribe to the blog. That’s enough. Our “cause” on this fucking site is our OWN self-indulgence…. And it doesn’t need to be financed by anyone other than ourselves.

Do yourself a real favor, don’t give your hard-earned money to the LAZY. Donate it to a real cause instead.

Circulating Tax Email Bullshit


This is truly one of my pet peeves, but then again I have many of those. Fucktards, please listen up because it is you twats that feed into this bullshit. All those stupid “informative” or “educational” chain letters you get in an email…. are bullshit. Please don ‘t keep forwarding them on because you learned some tidbit of trivia that you didn’t know before. There is a major chance….. That the info is INCORRECT, not to mention it ‘s a virus or something else. Fucktards take these chain letters totally seriously. There is one floating around right now for instance about Taxes. It ‘s some fucktarded poem that some angry poor unemployed person probably wrote…. who also doesn’t want to pay taxes. So they give misleading info by saying that the US didn’t have taxes or a national debt 100 yrs ago. What really ticked me off is some dumb ass also posted it on their blog to help inform their stupid readers too. Therefore, I must rant.

Um, it is bullshit that we didn’t pay taxes in the US 100 years ago. Wars have always created a National Debt and we have had plenty. Sure, our debt now is HUGE beyond belief, but the Civil War created one too and yeah, at that time it was very high. And Taxes aren’t just an American issue either jackasses every country in the World pays them. Duh. Some countries pay much HIGHER than Americans do. The Germans, for instance, are paying a Restitution Tax for WWII. It comes right out of their paychecks. Oh, they also are taxed a Religion tax too. Didn’t Americans litter our tea in some body of water to revolt against the UK ‘s taxes? Um, I believe that might also be true too (uh yeah that ‘s sarcasm dummies). I guess we were paying taxes and hoping not to have to do that here. Boy, we sure were idealistic and stupid weren’t we? The United States began the development of the IRS (it was not technically the same as we have now “ for the dummies that might get confused) in the middle of the 1800 ‘s. Um, that ‘s more than 100 years ago. Cigarettes and alcohol have been taxed since roughly since that time too. While it is true that in the last 100 years American taxes have dramatically increased… some are really needed if you want nice roads to drive on if you want health care costs to be semi-affordable, and if you wants losers who don ‘t pay their taxes to get more fees than you. Some of the taxes that this dumb chain letter bitches about are:

Corporation Taxes – Um ok. Corporations need to be taxed. They can afford it and they make up a major part of the American infrastructure. People who have any intelligence know that they should be taxed for a variety of reasons.

Property Taxes “ Um ok so you don ‘t want a Police or Fire Dept in your community?

Road Usage Taxes “ the more intelligent people call these Toll Roads. I guess you don’t want roads?

Unemployment Taxes “ So these supply you with an income when you lose your fucktarded job at McDonald’s. And we ALL know that you want money when you get fired.

Social Security Tax “ Is anyone actually dumb enough to not realize why we pay this? If so, sorry, it will take me way too long to explain it to you.

Marriage License Tax “ yeah you gotta pay to get married, but then you also get tax advantages for it. No brainer.

Building Permit Taxes “ This allows us to mandate building codes and makes them safer to live and work in. But who really needs that?

There were tons more, basically all taxes listed and complained about. I have a life so it would take me way too long to go over each one. The email closes out with the statement of 100 years ago fantasy bullshit, but it also sticks in that women stayed home with the kids as if implying that made things better too. I guess it did in some ways but for 100 years women had no choices and no rights either. Duh. Progress and growth cost money fucktards. I know that is a hard concept to grasp for you because you normally do not improve your stations in life, and you need someone to blame it on. But yeah, progress costs money. We also have doubled our population of fucktards that need to be taken care of too. The US is no longer some little melting pot Island where immigrants can come to hide from their problems in their own land. We aren’t the Land of Hope that we once were, now we seem to be the Land of Entitlement. Get over it, and pay your fucking taxes. Shut up and stop sending out chain letters written in ignorance. You only show me how stupid you are. Try using the internet for educating yourself instead. America keeps getting dumber and I could vomit.

Some People Should Not Blog


Ok, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. It also goes to show you a lot about fucktards. There are thousands upon thousands of people writing about themselves in blogs online. I’m going to guess that 95% are fucktards and what they are doing is really cluttering up the net and proving just how useless they are. I hate it when people feel the need to share their stupid lives for attention.

I really HATE it when the ignorant people write things and act like they are going to teach you something, and yet all you learn is how much of an idiot they are. Why do fucktards really think everyone cares about them? 99% of the personal blogs I have seen are nothing but arrogance. No one cares what your opinion is. Oh well maybe you fucked up family does, but don’t try to make random victims a part of it. For god’s sake…. shut up. If a fucktard isn’t babbling away in your face, then they are writing the same crap and posting it on the net. The absolute worst is when some dipshit comes along to “preach” to you about how to live a better life, or how the way they live their life is the right way. I’m not talking religion (that’s obviously annoying) and I am not talking about the people who are therapists, educators, or life coaches etc. Those are people we may want to learn from. I am talking about the lazy dumb housewives that are on Zoloft writing about what great mom’s they are; while they gently condemn all others….. despite their ignorance. I have a theory, and if you are not a fucktard then you know I am right. People who write these aimless and useless blogs about their meaningless lives and childish beliefs….need lots of medication. Sure they do, that’s why they have all the time in the world to write that nonsense. They go into one of their manic stages and write endless rants that do not even stay on the original topic. They take loser quizzes/tests/surveys for their blogs and myspace page because everyone is just dying to know these things about them. The internet would be a nicer place, and I’d be a happier human being if the only people who blogged could actually write coherently, and had a point. Some people should just not speak or write.

Another Fucktard day at work

Ok, I am surrounded daily by fucktards. I try to be patient, but they always manage to fuck up my day with their fucktard ways.

Why is it so hard to follow simple rules? If you can’t work, call someone and tell them you will be out for the day. Not fucktards, they have to use a method that no one else uses and then act like you are the asswipe that did something wrong. They finally get online to contact you 2 hours after they should have been signed on and then use illegible fonts. You tell them that their message is hard to decipher because of the fonts and then they change the color only. Of course, this goes on for about 5 minutes until I just say, just tell me the excuse and I will try to figure out what the message says. After the lame excuse, she then tells me she is an elementary school teacher. God help these kids.